Friday, February 20, 2015

" I don't have enough patience"

Nobody ever said Homeschooling was easy.. Or If they did they haven't done it.  Or there's those who think " Oh I don't have enough patience to home school my kids"  When people say this to me, I chuckle.. B/c really? You don't have enough patience to home school your kid?? Whats different about homeschooling and teaching them everyday life?? NOTHING... ONLY difference is that NOW I actually know what grade level my child reads on, I now realize HOW much she struggles with math.  I understand her strengths and weaknesses way better now than I did before. 

NO, I'm not saying if you DON't Home school that you don't know your kid.  I'm just saying that it's not that you don't have enough patience to home school, it's that maybe it's just not in the cards for you.  Did I grow up thinking I'd home school my child.  HECK NO! Never even crossed my mind... EVER... Until it did, and then it was like well DUH this is what I HAVE TO DO.

Once Miss A. started struggling with first grade the thought crossed my mind.  When your child cries EVERYDAY... .Morning on the way to school.....after school....before bed.... has insomnia because she dreads going to school the next day.... begs you not to take her to school.... you start thinking? "Is this how life is suppose to be?"  Is she really suppose to hate school this much? 

After much much much consideration... research.... talks with the husband... The day she came home for the SECOND time drenched in "pee pee" pants b/c they wouldn't let her go to the bathroom, that's the day I knew, she's not going back! And she didn't. 

Was it all roses and fun... HECK NO.. We are now in our 3rd month and we are JUST NOW really figuring it all out.  Does that mean she hasn't learned?? heck no. She's gone up two grade levels in reading! and one in math! So i must be doing something right.  Are there days I don't know if my sanity can take this?? HECK YES.... but is it worth it when I hear her actually reading a chapter book to her babies at the end of the day?? YES! 

If homeschooling is on your heart, there is a reason it is there. listen to it. research it. let it happen. be patient and let it happen. They learn so much through our everyday life. I'm glad I listened. I'm glad I'm patient. Miss A. and I are so much closer as mother/daughter now. 

Just remember.... YOU HAVE ENOUGH PATIENCE... 

Later y'all, 
